Sunday, August 17, 2008

Garlic, Gingelly Seed, Guggul, Ginger, Henna, Heart - Leaved Moonseed, Holy Basil

Garlic - Benefits in Home Based Treatments

Garlic (Lasuna) is one of the best known spices used in the kitchen and it is one of the most important home remedies.

It lacks in one taste, amla or sour Rasa. It is cultivated throughout world and the parts used are the pulp and the oil.

It is very hot in action, a stimulant and reduces vayu. It is a carminative, effective in rheumatic pains. It kills worms and the oil extracted from the seed has a stimulant effect. It has a typical odour, due to which certain religious – minded people avoid it but the majority of people in Indian take it for allaying vayu and kapha disorders.

The ancient ayurvedic texts mention its use as a Rasayana or rejuvenator. It has been claimed by medical authorities that patients suffering from phthisis, cough and bronchitis are benefited to a great extent by garlic preparations.

Garlic has both prophylactic and curative properties. It is widely used in the preparation of curries, vegetables, pickles and chutneys.

Garlic is boiled along with till oil until the bulb becomes reddish and allowed to cool. This oil poured into the ears 92 drops at a time) shows wonderful results in many ear troubles, earache and pus formation in the ear.

According to ayurvedic theory, the use of garlic renews the tissues, enriches the blood and cleans all the impurities, improves digestion, removes parasites from the intestines and patients suffering from the disorders of the lungs, hypertension, asthma, rheumatic pains, constipation, worms and dyspepsia can take it with advantage.

In the monsoon season, regular use of garlic keeps a person fine and fit and it protects the body from epidemics and endemics. Its use is also advantageous during the winter season. It is a wrong notion that garlic and milk cannot be used together. If milk is boiled with garlic bulbs and taken according to medical advice, it gives lot of stamina, and strength and increases vitality, vim and vigour.

This milk is called Rason Siddha Dugdha. Along with other ingredients like Salam, Shatavari, Gokharu, a special Paka is prepared known as Rasaona Paka, which increases appetite, regularizes circulation of the blood, gives a lot of stamina and relieves pain in the body and joints.

Garlic is also used externally. Bruised garlic and onion are applied in the form of poultice on the chest to relieve pain and congestion.

Persons suffering from neuralgia can also use it with advantage in the cold season.

Garlic juice mixed with 3 or 4 parts of ordinary or distilled water has been used as a lotion for washing wounds and foul ulcers. Definite improvement in the condition of infected wounds takes place within 24 ours after washing with this lotion and a very marked improvement is seen after 48 hours. Not only does the discharge decrease considerably but pain is also considerably relieved and in some cases disappears altogether. This application does not cause any injury to the tissues.

Garlic has a diuretic effect and hence it is used in dropsy or renal swelling. Some medical preparations with garlic, onion and red chillies made by experienced Vaidyarajas have shown a marvelous effect in cases of cholera where the stage of coma and collapse has been reached. These preparations have saved the lives of many people.

Garlic relieves flatulence. Patients suffering from sciatica as also women with attacks of hysteria can take it with advantage.

Garlic has been used in hundreds of ayurvedic preparations and one of the best known is Gandhaka Vati. It contains ginger, black pepper, salt, cumin seeds and garlic and is mixed with the juice of lemon. Two of those pills after the principal meals both times, relieves gas, dyspepsia, constipation, heart – burn, and hyper – acidity. It also kills the parasites and taken regularly for a month or two, it gives a feeling of general well – being as ear as the digestive system is concerned. In a few cases even reduction of weight has been noticed, with the disappearance of accumulation of fat on the abdominal wall.

In fact, a separate treatise could be written on the uses of garlic, which occupies a prominent place among grandma’s home remedies.

It should, however, be remembered that garlic does not suit a few temperaments but such persons are few and those to whom it appears unsuitable should avoid its use as far as possible.

Gingelly Seed - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Gingelly seed (Til) is one of the most commonly used articles. Three varieties are available, black, white and red. The black variety is considered to be the best.

The oil extracted from the seeds is known as til oil or gingelly oil. It is considered as the best oil for cooking purposes from all medical points of view. It is unctuous, carminative, diuretic, aphrodisiac, increases the hair and purifies the ulcers.

The seeds of gingelly (Til) pounded and mixed with a little butter and sugar can be given to patients suffering from hemorrhoids. Several medicated hair oils and other oils intended for massage contain Til oil.

The residue obtained after extracting oil from the seeds is boiled and bound to the stomach to regulate menstrual flow. A tub bath with the decoction prepared from the leaves of Til serves the same purpose. The decoction is given orally also to bring menstrual flow regularly.

A mixture of 20 drops of Til, 20 drops of lime water and 3 drops of plain water is very useful in the ailment of gonorrhoea. It relieves pain and brings clear urine.

The use of Til as a tonic in the winter season is well known. It is taken with coconut, dates etc.

A massage with Til oil produces a tonic effect and administered internally, the oil allays Vayu and reduces flatulence and obesity.

Guggula Or Gugul - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Nowadays the problem of premature ageing is puzzling physicians and so many types of tonics are on sale that it would be quite proper to suggest a simple but effective ayurvedic tonic popularly known as Gugul or Balsamodendron Mukul.

Gugul trees are mainly cultivated in Cutch, Marwar and Saurashtra but are also found in other parts of the world. These trees grow to a height of 4 to 6 ft. In the winter and summer seasons their juice comes out and is collected in the form of Gugul. This Gugul is purified with a decoction of Triphala and the pure gugul thus obtained is used internally as well as externally. Although Gugul can be administered without being clarified, purified gugul is much more advantageous.

Gugul is a good and cheap tonic especially for the aged. The sweet variety from the Village Nara in cutch is considered to be the best.

Gugul is a blood purifier. It removes the impurities of blood through perspiration; impurity and discoloration of the skin is also cured by Gugul.

In chronic cases of rheumatism and arthritis it helps to relieve pain and produces a feeling of physical well – being. It keeps a person fit.

It is an appetizer as well as a carminative. It relieves vayu, strengthens the intestines, improves the digestive system and one gets good bowel movements.

In women obesity is often a problem. Scanty menses and painful periods due to accumulation of fat, and constipation respond favorably to the administration of gugul internally.

The usual dosage in all the above conditions will be 4-6 rattis or 8 to 12 grains two to three times a day.

Gugul is used in more than 100 ayurvedic medicines. Gugul in powder form mixed with ghee and applied in the form of a paste over a bandage on chronic and non – healing ulcers shows marvelous results.

Gugul, Sulphur and Borax all rubbed together in the form or ointment is an effective cure for what is known as Delhi Sore.

Pills prepared out of a mixture of Gugul, pure Shilajit and an extract of Gulancha, known as Shilajit Raayana, taken at the rate of 2 pills twice a day, counteract debility. It is particularly beneficial to people who are having trouble from enlargement of the prostate.

Given to women when the periods are about to cease, it relieves tension and other reactions. Vasaka, pepper, Honey and ghee along with gugul is a good remedy for chronic bronchitis.

Gugul, along with agar, khas, sandalwood etc. also makes a good incense.

Ginger - Benefits in Home Based Remedies

There are two varieties of Ginger (adrak) red and white flowers, as well as with small and big branches.

The leaves, the bark of the root, flowers, juice (i.e. the milk obtained by breaking the buds of the flowers) are all used for medicinal purposes.

It has a particular bitter taste and distinctive odor. It has a laxative effect and is a purifier. It has a fine effect on the heart akin to digitalis. The juice is an irritant and very hot in action, and should be used with care.

The flowers aid in digestion, remove stomach pain and have a tonic effect.

The gigantic swallowwort is a well – known home remedy, and it is not only a favorite in the rural areas but has also found its way to the higher circles. Ayurvedic physicians use it alone or in combination with other well – known drugs.

The leaves of the tree have wide medical application. Take the leaves, apply a little lukewarm castor oil and fix them on the stomach, tied with a string. This will relieve abdominal gas and colic spontaneously.

Take the juice of the leaves 16 parts, powder of turmeric one part and the oil of yellow sarson (musterd) 6 parts. Mix them all. The resultant oil applied on the skin in disorders like scabies and particularly chronic eczema, is found to be beneficial.

The powder of dried leaves sprinkled on wounds helps the healing process.

Five drops of the juice of the leaves mixed with honey, given morning and evening internally, proves beneficial in case of enlargement of the spleen and it removes the feeling of feverishness brought about by weakness.

The problem of dog bite (especially by rabid dogs) is not yet solved. Injections may be tried as a preventive measure but no sure remedy is available. However, there is a well – known formula used in the rural areas. The powder of the bark of the root of gigantic swallowwort, one part; powder of the leaves of the dhatura tree, 1/8 part; and sugar one part; are all mixed together, rubbed in water and pills prepared of 2 grains each.

The victim is first given a purgative (castor oil) and then these pills are started. For adults 3 pills and for youngsters 1-2 pills, according to age, are given early in the morning with a little water and then a little channa can be given, but nothing afterwards for three hours.

This treatment should be continued for 40 days. This medicine is considered to be an effective remedy for dog, fox or cat bite. No trouble is likely to arise later but if any tendency is observed, the juice of the leaves of gigantic swallowwort one part, 1/8 part of the juice of the leaves of the dhatura tree, and til oil one ounce, all mixed together should be given on the spot, and half that quantity on the second and third days.

The juice is used to prepare various bhasmas (oxides of well known ayurvedic metals).

Patients suffering from chronic rheumatic attachs can take the powder of the root of the gigantic swallowwort and ginger in equal quantities mixed together to form 6-12 rattis. It brings on perspiration, removes pain in the joints and is effective for reducing swelling of the joints.

A bhasma, prepared from the ripe leaves of this tree (64 parts) and common salt (4 parts), mixed together, is highly effective in digestive disorders and removes gas.

In cases of elephantiasis and the swelling of the scrotum, the root is ground into a paste with butter milk and applied to the swelling. This has been found efficacious in the preliminary stages.

Another well – known use of this tree is in ear ache, pus coming out of the ear accompanied by pain. The ripe leaves are roasted, the juice taken, and 2- to 5 drops are poured into the ears.

Gigantic swallow wort has effective use in kapha, cough, asthma and breathlessness. Dried flowers, 1-2 rattis, pounded and boiled with molasses, are used as a remedy for breathlessness.

Demuk, the well – known authority suggests: Take 125 flowers, dry them and powder them and mix them with one tola each of cloves, nutmeg, mace, pellitory root and make them into pills of half a tola each, one pill daily to be taken in the morning, dissolved in milk. This medicine is good for virility.

Henna - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

An indispensable cosmetic item, henna is popular with women. Aromatic essence is prepared from henna and it is applied to color the nails as also palms. Henna is a medicinal plant, too. The leaves are cooling, diuretic, have tonic value, and are used in cases of impurity of the blood and for reducing swelling.

The flowers have stimulant, narcotic properties and act as a tonic to the heart and nerves.

Some of the medicinal uses are:

Take the fresh leaves of henna, dry them in the shade and get them powdered. Take this powder (10 tolas) , senna leaves (2.5 tolas) and purified sulphur (2.5 tolas. Mix them all together in powder form.

Doses of 2 to 3 grams, morning and evening with honey, water or milk, remove blood impurities, cure scabies, pimples, itching, constipation, burning in the urine, leucoderma, and are useful in the initial stages of leprosy.

A paste, made of leaves, applied on the soles of the feet will give a very soothing and cooling effect to those suffering from smallpox. There is a special medicinal quality in the leaves of henna which gives a cooling and soothing effect to persons having a burning sensation in some part of the body.

Experienced ancient physicians of Maharashtra used to give the powder of the leaves, along with sugar, to cure spermatorrhoea. It stops semen passing through the urine, and makes the semen thick.

It is not a stimulant, but is mild and hence very useful for patients of pitta temperament.

A special preparation known as Tin oxide, banga bhasma, prepared from the leaves of henna, is also useful in cases of spermatorrhoea, genitor – urinary disorders, and it has no side reactions.

The seeds o henna are known as Kamarakasa, and they have a tonic and nutritive value.

In chronic eczema, gout, itching, scabies, chronic wounds and abscesses, the leaves of henna are made into a paste and applied. The paste is also applied in cases of pain and swelling in the joints.

In cases of stomatitis and soreness of throat, the decoction of the leaves is prepared, and gargling of this water helps heal up stomatitis.

Unani hakims prepare a kalpa out of henna to turn grey hair dark. It is better than artificial kalpas because of the beneficial and cooling effect of henna. Henna flowers are used in the preparation of hair oils.

In ancient times, a pillow stuffed with henna flowers was used to induce sleep.

The bark in the form of infusion is given to those suffering from jaundice and enlargement of the liver and spleen. Two teaspoonfuls of the juice, given early on an emply stomach, for seven days, are an efficacious remedy for jaundice.

The flowers were used for the purpose of distillation, and the fragrant water so prepared was employed by the ancients for bathing purposes.

Heart – Leaved Moonseed

Heart – Leaved Moonseed has an enviable position among home remedies. It is a climbing plant and especially when it is attached to the Neem tree it becomes more effective. Its stem and root are used in medicine.

The sattva prepared from gulancha and known as Galosattva in the form of white powder given in dose of 4-8 rattis (8 to 16 grains) is the best remedy for burning sensation. It allays pitta, dyspepsia, weakness, leucorrhoea, a feeling of feverishness, and intermittent fever. It can also be given as a valuable tonic in debilitating diseases.

It is a diuretic and a form of bitters. It is vermicide also and vaidyas speak of its effect on tridoshas and in restoring the balance of vayu, pitta and kapha.

It especially reduces fat. It has a rasayana property i.e. it regulates the flow of rasa in body.

It is a tonic for the liver, purifies the blood and improves the quality of blood.

It increases appetite, removes the feeling of fatigue, improves digestion, increases the red corpuscles in the body. One gets clear urine, its paleness disappears, strength increases and it can be used during a convalescing period.

The extract prepared from Gulancha is known as Sham Shamni. It is useful in cases of fever and can especially be given to debilitated persons, in chronic fever when there is a burning sensation, and in cases of leucorrhoea in females.

Its use in ayurveda is very extensive and we can safely recommend this herbal remedy, which is easily available, for the improvement of health.

Holy Basil (Tulsi) - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Holy Basil (Tulsi) is cultivated throughout world and finds a place in every Hindu home and near temples. Root, seeds and leaves, mainly the last, are used in medicine.

There are two varieties of tulsi, black and white, of which the black one is usually used. The juice of leaves is pungent, hot; it contains anti pyretic properties; it helps to make vayu and kapha subside and is a stimulant as it contains an active ingredient known as thymol.

The seeds are diaphoretic and unctuous. The tulsi contains an essential aromatic oil. It is a mosquito repellant and is therefore sometimes called “mosquito plant”.

It is a well known home remedy. The powder of black pepper, mixed with the juice of tulsi leaves is given in malarial fever.

There are some preparations available which are given in the juice of the tulsi with ginger to patients who are unconscious and have reached a stage of collapse, where the pulse beat is imperceptible and the heart is sinking. At such times, the medical preparations given with ginger and tulsi juice do work wonders and the patient is brought back to consciousness.

The juice of leaves is fed to a person who is unconscious through snake – bite, and 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls are given at an interval of 2 to 3 hours. The juice is also applied on the whole body. It is applied in case of scorpion sting as well.

In ordinary form, the juice of the tulsi with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom. A little sugar and milk helps a lot in common cold and influenza. It brings about perspiration, reduces fever, pain in the joints and acts as an expectorant. Sometimes the juice of the leaf is applied all over the body in cases of malarial fever.

A few drops of the juice poured into the ear stops earache. The juice of leaves serves as a rejuvenator if taken twice a day at the rate of one teaspoonful. It gives a glow to the complexion.

The tulsi has been used in India from the Vedic period. At the time of epidemics and endemics it acts as a prophylactic.

The juice of the leaves given with the juice of garlic and honey reduces cough in a wonderful way. The juice cheeks vomiting; it removes intestinal worms.

Leaf – juice is used along with honey to make medical preparations. In certain varieties of skin disorders like itching, ring – worm and impure blood, the juice is applied on the affected part, as also taken internally.

Some mix a little lemon juice with it, which would be more effective in cases of ringworm, but in ordinary skin troubles, the juice of the tulsi alone would suffice.

Its seeds, mixed with gur or jaggery, taken morning and evening make a nutritious tonic, produce an aphrodisiac effect, and the preparation is useful in spermatorrhoea.

The powder of the root, taken with ghee daily in the evening produces a powerful tonic effect.

Another variety of tulsi known as jangli or vana tulsi is also used for medicinal purposes. One or two leaves are kept in the mouth to remove the foul smell, stomatitis and counteract diarrohoea.

The Tulsi is available every where with ease, and being very cheap and effective at the same time, it is quite a useful home remedy.

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