Sunday, August 17, 2008

Isabgul Spogel Seeds, Jambool, Kurchi, Liquorice, Lodh Tree, Lemon, Musale, Neem, Onion, Rauwolfia Serpentine

Isabgul Spogel Seeds - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Originally a Persian herb. The seeds are used for medicinal purposes. It is one of most well – known home remedies.

The seeds are cooling, demulcent and mildly astringent. They also have fine diuretic and laxative properties. Before use the seeds are cleansed of sand and grit. Soaked in water, they become swollen. They may be sifted through a fine mesh.

The dose is 2-4 grams but even half to one ounce or lass can be given.

It has a fine effect on the intestines and a double action, it removes constipation if any and at the same time it cures acute dysentery. It can be given with butter – milk or curd and immediately, it stops loose motions, and griping pain is alleviated.

A teaspoonful of the seeds steeped in water for half an hour and swallowed is an efficacious remedy for dysentery.

The powder of Kurchi 4 grains along with the powder o one dram of seeds of Isabgul gives another useful remedy for dysentery.

Chronic cases of dysentery which failed to react to intensive courses of emetine or Kurchi alkaloids, responded well to prolonged courses of liquid extract of Kurchi and Isabgul. Dose 2-3 dessert spoonfuls of the seeds of Isabgul with 2 drams of the liquid extract thrice or four times a day.

Whenever there is a burning sensation while passing urine, the use of Isabgul with a glassful of water gives comfort.

Isabgul one part, Harada (chebulic myrobalan) one part and Yashtimadhu one part – all three mixed very well and powdered and given in dose of 3 grams relieves constipation and one clear motion is obtained. This is a boon for persons suffering from piles.

Isabgul normalizes Kapha and pitta, and stops the formation of mucus in the stool. It is also highly effective in cases of spermaturia (the presence of semen in the urine)

It is given in the form of a mucilage, with milk, for nocturnal emissions, with good effect.

Wherever there is bleeding due to increase of Pitta or bile, the use of Isabgul proves advantageous.

For infantile diarrhea or dysentery, Isabgul may be given in small doses at intervals of an hour or two and it has been observed that it is a very useful remedy in such cases.

Jambool - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

The jambool tree is well known for its astringent properties. The bark, seeds, leaves and fresh roots are all used for medicinal purposes. The juice of the fruit is diaphoretic, anti – diabetic and useful in stomach disorders. According to an eminent physician, glucoside jamboline is said to have the powder of checking the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in case of increased production of glucose.

In chronic cases of dysentery and diarrhea, a decoction of the bark is found to be efficacious. A gargle with such a decoction helps in relieving laryngitis, pharyngitis, scurvy and painful bleeding gums.

The fruit has a cooling and soothing property, but is astringent and slightly sour, so it should never be taken with milk. It must also be remembered that the ripe fruit taken in excess causes gas trouble.

Dried seeds of jambool are powdered and given to diabetic patients. Extract of the juice is given with a little salt to patients suffering from jaundice. It is given every alternate day.

Jambool fruit also acts favorably where there is an enlargement of the spleen.

A medicinal preparation from jambool, known as “jambuasava,” is useful in the treatment of diabetes. Half an ounce is given with an equal quantity of water after meals. It also removes debility, which is the main symptom of diabetes. Half an ounce of liquid extract prepared from the juice, taken on an empty stomach, is also beneficial for diabetic patients.

A syrup prepared out of the juice of fresh ripe fruit, with a little sugar, makes a nourishing, soothing and cooling drink in summer.

A dose of 20 to 40 grains of the seeds relieves scanty or suppressed urine.

Kurchi - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

It grows to a height of 12 to 24 ft. and bears white aromatic flowers.

There are certain varieties; White, black, sweet or bitter. In medicinal use the black and bitter type has been found more effective, the bark of the root being mainly imployed.

The seeds of the tree are used medicinally, being roasted and powdered after being cleaned.

It is a form of bitter tonic, appetizer, astringent. Digestive, and useful in piles, diarrhea, dysentery, blood disorders, pitta, worms, fever and excessive mucus.

Nowadays a lot of complaints areheard about digestive disorders, mainly constipation or dysentery. To this there is a very effective remedy, kutaja bark or the fruits of the tree known as indrajava.

It has been used for centuries in medicine and modern research in the laboratory, as well as in the clinical field has proved it to be really efficacious. Kurchi has thus found an honorable place in modern pharmacopoeia.

The bark of kutaja contains a bitter ingredient of tonic value. It increases appetite and can be given in acute or chronic fever. It improves the digestive system and is especially efficacious in chronic stomach troubles, dysentery, diarrhea, sprue and piles.

It reduces mucus formation. Roasted indrajava 9seeds of kutaja) cures diarrhea and can be given for stomach troubles with butter milk or honey.

Kutaja is a boon for those suffering from dysentery. The powder of the bark is given with butter-milk. It stops the griping pain, reduces mucus and one gets a clear motion and real relief.

Grandmothers have been known to give indrajava to children from their very early days so that it nullifies the Kapha Dosha and children are not troubled by worms but remain healthy, normal and robust.

The bark of the kutaja contains useful salts and calcium and hence it is very useful in chronic stomatitis.

In chronic fever the bark of kurchi along with gulancha prepared as a decoction is effective.

Kutajaghan is a very well known remedy, and 2 to 4 pills morning and evening, prove effective in dysentery, loss of appetite and gas trouble. Kutajarishta ½ an oz. after meals is effective in dysentery.

The powder of the bark of the tree can be given about 30 to 60 grains. The dose of indrajava is 10 to 20 grains. The decoction to be taken is ½ oz. and extract of kutaja 5 to 10 grains.

Liquorice - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Liquorice is a tonic, a diuretic, and a mild laxative and has cooling properties. It s sweet in taste, it reduces vayu and pitta.

It has been used with success in vomiting, nausea, ulcers, hoarseness of voice, skin disorders, hiccough etc. The dose (powder of the peeled root) is 20-40 grains.

There is a very simple and at the same time very useful preparation. Take liquorice mixed with triphala in the ratio of 20 : 40 grains daily at bedtime or early in the morning with milk, preferably cow’s milk. The regular use of this prescription gives a very clear motion, and the urine also becomes clear.

Those who complain of premature ageing and senile debility may use this with advantage. In cases of excessive debility, loha, abhrak or banga bhasma can be added (doses) 1 to 2 grains each.

In epilepsy, the powder of liquorice is given with kushmand.

Ghee prepared with liquorice is used for the purpose of dressing wounds.

Liquorice is given with ativisha, pepper and yavakshara to children emaciated by chronic fever or cough. Liquorice taken by pregnant women promotes the natural growth of the infant and at the same time improves the complexion of the child.

Many ayurvedic preparations contain liquorice as a b ase. A very well known remedy is Swadishta Virechana Churna, which is useful as a mild laxative and a boon to those suffering from piles. Taken 2-3 teaspoons at bedtime it acts as a blood3purifier and also leads to a satisfactory motion. It is given to women after child – birth to increase breast milk.

Those suffering from leucorrhoea can take it as it will increase strength and vitality. All the ayurvedic texts agree that given with ghee and honey for a long time it is the best rasayana (rejuvenator) and Vajikarana (aphrodisiac). The Chinese have also ascertained the rejuvenating properties f liquorice and it is the main ingredient in jintan.

The decoction of liquorice is useful in stomatitis as well as hoarsenes of voice and laryngitis.

Its powder is given with honey in cases of jaundice and it allays excessive burning or heat.

Lozenges prepared from liquorice root are efficacious in bronchial affections. In ancient times, the root was used as an antidote against scorpion sting.

Lodh Tree - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Lodh Tree used from very ancient times, Lodhra is one of the most well-known remedies for diseases of women. It is astringent and cold in action. It heals wounds, allays Kapha and stops bleeding. It is useful in inflammations and swellings. It tones up the mucus membrane and hence and most famous preparation Lodhra Asava ½ oz. with equal quantity of water after principal meals given to ladies allays Pitta. Subsides excessive bleeding, normalizes he menstrual flow and is a specific for leucorrhoea. Many expert clinicians mix it with Ashokarishta, with greater effect.

A combination of Lodhra Asava, Patranga Asava and Ashokarishta, mixed very well (do not shake) and given ½ oz with equal quantity of water after principal meals is a boon to weak, emaciated and debilitated women. It brings normal menstrual flow and stops excessive discharge. It relieves backache, anaemia, debility brought about by multiple child births; it tones up the uterus and the vaginal walls and stops the white discharge. Appetite increases, digestion improves, there is increase in the red blood cells and hemoglobin and, further, ladies put on weight by its use.

The powder of the bark of the tree applied in the form of Lepa or sprinkled in the vagina heals local ulcers. Regularly given in the preliminary months of conception, it lessens the possibility of abortion or miscarriage.

A well – known Ayurvedic formula “Supari Paka” 3-6 grams morning and evening with honey and milk along with Lodhra, after meals, is boon to a lady having secondary infertility and conception usually takes place.

The dose of the plain powder is 10-20 rattis (20-40 grains).

A combination of Lodhra, Alum, Punarnava and other items mixed together is used for gargling. It relieves the ulcers in the mouth and allays bleeding of the gums.

In loose motions, diarrhea, dysentery and stools with blood, the powder of Lodhra is given with curd and the effect is immediate.

Lemon - Benefits in Home Based Remedies

This well-known citrus fruits so commonly used hardly needs any introduction.

It has many medicinal properties. 100 ounces of citrus juice contain about 7 to 9 ounces of citric acid.

The lemon is cooling and soothing and has a tonic value. It is also given in cases of nausea, anorexia, indigestion and distension.

Borax, lemon and sulphur are mixed together in the juice of lemon and the ointment thus obtained is applied on ringworm which clears up rapidly. Many patent ointments are available in the market which produce a temporary effect, while the above mentioned ointment is very effective as far as local treatment of ringworm is concerned. A slight burning may be experienced at first.

Before taking a meal, if one takes fresh ginger with a pinch of salt and lemon, it regularizes vayu and kapha, improves the appetite and gradually increases the peristaltic movement of the intestines and helps to eliminate constipation.

Many obese people have been benefited by taking lemon juice, honey and lukewarm water, mixed well, the first thing in the morning. Further it has been found efficacious in pregnant women who are given to vomiting. The dry skin of the fruit after removing the juice is burnt, and the ash is kept in water. Two grains of this ash with honey three times a day is an effective remedy for nausea.

The juice of a lemon or two added to a glass of boiling water sweetened to taste and taken at bedtime, works wonder in case of a bad cold.

In case of serious purgation caused by croton seeds or castor oil, a glass of lemon juice, in hot water sweetened to taste, stops diarrhea and creates a feeling of general well – being.

A lemon cut into four pieces filled with salt, black pepper and pepper, strung together and allowed to remain open over-night, chewed in the morning removes anorexia, loss of appetite and indigestion.

There are several ayurvedic preparations made with lemon juice. The best known is Suvarna Vasanta Malti, which is highly efficacious for increasing the weight of a patient.

For those who are weak. Emaciated and fatigued one pill of the above preparation twice a day will help increase vim and vigour.

There are several other preparations for treating gas, distension and constipation which are also prepared in the juice of lemon.

Lemon, of course, is used in the kitchen in a variety of ways.

Musale - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

There are two varieties available, white and black. The former is known as Safed Musali and the latter, Kali Musali. The white variety is more easily available and the roots are used for medicinal purposes.

It is sweet, cold, light, unctuous and the best tonic. It is aphrodisiac, strengthens the semen and is a galactagogue. The white variety contains more fat, the black one has more starch.

The powder of the white variety is boiled with milk and this milk taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach for a long period is very helpful for debilitated persons. The usual dose is 3-6 grams, but even 6-12 grams can be taken.

Many experienced clinicians give the powder of Shatavari along with musali and it increases breast – milk. This combination is also useful to ladies suffering from leucorrhoea.

A combination of embolic Myrobalan, Indian Cowhage, Gokharu, White Musali, extract of Gulancha, the root of Shalamali and sugar known as Mushalyadi Churna is given in dose of 3-6 grams with honey or milk morning and evening to increase sex libido. It improves the quality of semen.

The root of black Musali cut into small pieces is available in the market and is very efficacious. It is unctuous, diuretic, tonic and aphrodisiac. It is sweet, cold, subsides Pitta, burning sensation and removes blood impurity. The powder of black Musali can be taken in dose of 3-6 grams with honey morning and evening. Otherwise. The powder should be boiled in a cup or glassful of milk and a little cardamom, nutmeg and saffron can be added and it should be taken morning and evening. It this combination is prepared with cow’s milk, it is more effective.

Nowadays people take various tonics for debility. Some of these contain merely combination of oil and water soluble Vitamins, some contain Iron and Folic acid and Minerals, a few contain male and female hormones also in smaller doses. Some such liquid tonics contain glycerophosphates also. However, it should be remembered that these are merely synthetic dietary supplements, whereas Shatavari, ashwagandha, Gokharu, Cowhage, Musali etc. described by us in the Section of home Remedies or in the Section of queries are very effective Ayurvedic herbs and tonics. They are quite innocent and have no side effects. They are very easily available. These tonics can be given to young and old men and women alike. The only thing to be borne in mind is that these tonics do not act in the same way as other stimulants. They slowly and gradually enrich the Rasa dhatu (body nutrient), whereby respectively the blood, flesh, semen etc. are enriched and a person experiences a state of general well being. The life – saving antibiotic drugs, which should be used only in serious emergencies under the guidance of an expert physician, are not being freely used even for minor ailments and they bring about a lot of debility. The diet is not as nourishing as it ought to be. It would therefore be better that grandmas and housewives learn about tonics like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Gokharu, Cowhage, Musali etc. and administer then to the family members to see that they are really benefited with tese useful tonics. Especially in the season of winter the regular use of these tonics will keep the body fine and fit for the rest of the year.

Benefits of Neem, Natural Healing Herb

The Neem tree is very well known for its medical properties and every part of the plant is used in ayurvedic medicines, the bark and the leaves being in breater use.

The bark is astringent a form of bitters, an anti – periodic, and has cooling properties. The fruit is emollient and acts as a laxative. The leaves possess blood purifying and antiseptic properties.

The decoction prepared from the leaves works as an antiseptic lotion and is used for dressing wounds and ulcers. Those who are suffering from blood impurities have a bath with this decoction where soap is contra indicated.

Poultices prepared from boiled leaves are applied on swellings. In the rural areas even today fresh juice of neem leaves, given in doses of 1 to 2 ozs. Prevents puerperal sepsis. It increases appetite, relieves debility, promotes normal bleeding and strengthens the uterus.

In cases of gonorrhoea, when there is external swelling, the boiled leaves can be applied, otherwise a patient is asked to have a tub bath. This relieves the pain and brings clear urine without any difficulty.

There are many prescriptions for blood impurities in which the internal bark of the tree is used.

Neem trees planted near dwellings have a prophylactic effect against malaria. Its antimalarial properties have been acknowledged by top-ranking research workers. Many European writers have found it useful I the treatment of intermittent fever and they have described its effect as akin to that of cinchona.

The bark, in the form of powder or decoction or fluid extract, is given in cases of fever. The decoction with a little black pepper and chiretta is a well known remedy for fever.

Oil prepared from the neem known as Nimbadi oil, given in doses of 10 drops with fresh milk once a day, has been found effective at the beginning of leprosy.

Oil extracted from the fruits is used for application in the case of scabies, itching, blood impurities and ulcers.

From the neem flower confections are made. These are very useful in soothing, healing and removing blood impurities.

Today from the neem tree is very useful in dyspepsia, general debility, chronic skin diseases and even in early stages of consumption.

A vast majority of people use the tender twigs of the tree even today as a toothbrush. It helps maintain dental health and keeps the mouth and breath clean and sweet.

About half an ounce of leaves mixed with camphor and asafetida (4 grains each) and ¼ tola of jaggery (gur) at bedtime is clained to act as a prophylactic during epidemics.

Onion - Benefits in Home Based Remedies

Onion hardly needs an introduction. It forms an essential part of vegetables, though due to its typical odour (Durgandha), a section of people avoid it on religious grounds but a great majority use it as routine item of food. It is a very useful and effective home remedy and its bulb and seeds are used for medicinal purposes.

It is hot in action, stimulant, relieves Kapha and has a carminative action. It is considered as musk by poor people in rural areas. In cases of eholera, when nothing is available, the plain juice of onion is given for drinking and on the whole body this juice is rubbed.

The bulb broken and given for smelling removes unconsciousness. In many an emergency this has been tried with success.

The juice of onion, one or two drops, poured into the ear relieves earache. The juice is also applied for scorpion sting. A poultice is prepared after boiling onion which when applied to an abcess makes it ripe.

Patients suffering from disorders of Vayu can make use of onion in the same way as they do with garlic.

Onion is a constituent of many of the aphrodisiacs. Onion cut into small pieces, fried in pure ghee and taken early morning continuously for 21 to 42 days acts as a powerful aphrodislac.

Rural folks after a long walk take onion and gur with water, which gives them stamina.

In cases of sunstroke, the use of onion stops thirst on the spot and mitigates the effect of sunstroke.

The powder of black gram (udad) is rubbed in the juie of onion for seven days and the dried powder in the form of kanji produces an aphrodisiac effect.

Often onion is eaten raw or with salt and pepper. Onion eaten with gur helps the growth of children.

Rauwolfia Serpentine - Benefits of Herbs

Sarpagandha ranks first among all the contributions by India to the modern medical world.

It has been used in the ancient system of medicine for the treatment of insomnia, hyper irritability and insanity. Research workers have discovered that it is highly effective in the treatment of hypertension.

Sarpagandha is available in the form of roots. It is the root of Sarpagandha that is used and its powder is used in dose of 4-6 rattis (8 to 12 grains). It has a quick effect on high blood pressure and it keeps the high blood pressure under control. A noteworthy feature is that it never lowers the blood pressure below the right limit.
It has a bitter taste, so it is made in the form of tablets and 1 to 2 tablets after the principal meals and one at bedtime are given in cases of high blood pressure. It induces sound sleep.

It relieves tension, anxiety and worry and fat people especially find it effective. Whenever a patient is extremely irritable and is behaving in an unruly manner, Sarpagandha has been found effective. However, it should be used with great care in the case of the debilitated, or those habitually depressed.

It relieves constipation in the case of patients suffering from hypertension as also headache. While it is used, a little chill or cold, and sometimes sneezing, may be observed in some cases.

In the case of gonorrhoea, when there is a burning sensation and pain while passing urine, and sleep is disturbed, if this medicine is given, it induces sound sleep at the same time reducing pain. It is equally useful for males as well as for females.

In the konkan area people are sometimes bitten by the snake called purusha, and a massive dose of 1-2 tolas 910-20 grams) of sarpagandha powder is given with water. A paste prepared by rubbing the root in water is also applied on the affected portion.

It is given to women during certain stages of labour to increase the contraction of the uterus. It is a uterine stimulant.

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