Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saffron, Sacred Fig, sarsaparilla, Spreading Hogweed, Shankha Pushpi

Saffron - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Grown in the season of autumn, the saffron plant is a dwarf herb. It is mainly cultivated in Iran and Spain, but now grows in Kashmir (India) also.

It is a tonic, stimulant, rejuvenator, appetizer, digestive and antispasmodic. It relieves pain.

It is used in cooking and in the preparation of sweetmeats to which it imparts a special fragrance, taste and colour. A special preparation known as dudhapaka, is made in Indian homes in which milk and rice are boiled and saffron is added.

In ancient times saffron was mixed with sandalwood and other aromatic ingredients and applied on the chest or forehead for a cooling, soothing effect, and to invigorate the mind.

Saffron has its medicinal properties also. There are many tonics which contain saffron. It reduces the effect of cold. Grandma mixes saffron in milk and applies on the scalp, forehead, extremities and chest when a child is suffering from cold.

There are people who catch allergic colds off and on. The powder of saffron, in dose of 1– 2 rattis with honey, morning and evening, with a cupful of milk, tea or coffee will reduce the tendency to allergic cold.

Saffron has been used in remedies for diarrhea and dysentery. Given to young women, it helps in the cure of anaemia. It cures difficult and scanty periods and promotes regular healthy, monthly ones. Saffron increases breast-milk.

Saffron improves the colour of the skin, relieves vomiting sensation and is useful in cases of worms. It is applied externally in the form of a paste in cases of headache.

It has been found effective in cases of seminal debility, and as a stimulant and aphrodisiac it is considered to be a sovereign remedy. It has been used with success in cases of weakness.

Saffron is thus well known for its food value, fragrance and medicinal properties. It is also used in religious rites.

Sacred Fig - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Sacred Fig tree is worshipped by hindus, not merely on sentimental or religious grounds, but because of its valuable medicinal properties.

Its virtues have been brought to light by our ancient masters of the art and science of medicine. The root, bark and even the delicate leaves and fruits are used for medicinal purposes.

The bark is astringent, cooling, soothing, helps normalize pitta and kapha and has nutritive value. The fruits aid digestion, act as a carminative, blood purifier, tonic, aphrodisiac and increase the semen. The leaves have mildly laxative and astringent effects.

The leaves are boiled in milk and water, filtered and the milk is given to drink. It relieves the burning sensation caused by gonorrhoea and reduces pus cells.

The root bark is boiled and the infusion used for washing ulcers and abscesses. The thin powder of the bark is spread over ulcers, which it cleans and its antiseptic properties hasten healing.

Decoction of the root bark is used for gargling. Women suffering from leucorrhoea can take a douche of the same and it has been found very efficacious. Persons suffering from blood impurities and skin disorders also take the water prepared from boiling the bark of the tree. It has been found that the bark has a specific medicinal component which purifies the blood.

Patients suffering from gout can take the decoction prepared from the root bark with a little honey added to it and it will reduce pain as a result of purification of the blood.

The delicate buds of this tree known as pipala jata after being washed are pounded, made into a paste and given with milk for three days after menstruation to increase the power of conception.

The fruit is dried and the powder prepared from it is given with honey to patients suffering from dyspepsia.

In early childhood when there is a hint of stammering and the speech is not clear, the fruit given to a child causes an improvement in the speech.

The fruits are an effective tonic and can be given to both men and women for purification of the sperm and ovum. It is a soothing and cooling remedy.

The juice of the bark along with that of the leaves helps to heal mouth ulcers. The application of the milk juice is also very useful in case of cracked feet and skin.

The above are but a few of the medicinal uses of the sacred fig. which is used in many more ways as medicine in rural areas.

Sarsaparilla - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

The juice of the sarsaparilla root and bark is used in medicine. It is a valuable blood purifier. It increases the quantity of urine. It is diaphoretic and taking all its qualities into consideration, it has a good tonic effect on the body.

According to ayurvedic treatises, it increases the quantity of semen. It is a good stimulant, appetizer, especially beneficial in skin disorders and it maintains the equilibrium of the tridoshas.

There are two varieties available, black as well as white, Medicinally both have got the same virtues.

Indian Sarsaparilla is used to increase appetite and remove dyspepsia, at the same time improving the digestion. It decreases fever and is effective in cases of skin and nutritional disorders.

It is the experience of physicians of the traditional system of Indian medicine that in blood disorders and impurities of the skin, mere local applications do not work wonders; only temporary relief can be achieved.

If a blood purifier like Sarsaparilla is advinistered internally in the form of infusion, decoction, syrup, extract, powder of asava, it cures the disorder permanently and there is no relapse.

It cures the blood impurities, increases strength and improves the quality and quantity of semen. It can be given to a pregnant woman for the entire period of nine months and the new – born infant will be found to be healthy, fairskinned and handsome.

The infusion prepared from Sarsaparilla increases the quantity of urine and relieves any burning sensation while passing urine. Take about 2 ozs. Of the powder, boil it in 20 ozs. Of water and when there is a residue of about 2 ozs. Filter it. It increases urine and causes sweat.

In cases of gonorrhoea and syphilis, where the blood impurity is not relieved by any other drug, Sarsaparila produces a marvelous effect.

Sarivadyarishta is a well – known preparation made from Sariva (another Sanskrit name for sarsaparilla). Given ½ oz. with an equal quantity of water after the principal meals, it cures many blood disorders like hronic eczema. It relieves itching and is useful in csabies, ulcers, chronic blood disorders of a syphilitic origin, and allergic disorders. It is given also in cases of male infertility where venereal infection is cause.

There are several other ayurvedic preparations of Sariva in the form of ghee, jelly, oil and asava.

Spreading Hogweed - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

There are three varieties, black, white and red available, of which black is very difficult to get but the red one is available throughout.

Punarnava is one of the most important Ayurvedic herbs. It is an appetizer, brings clear motion, it is a Rasayana (rejuvenator). It is dry, sweet, and beneficial to the heart. It induces perspiration.

Several formulae are described in Ayurveda containing Punarnava.

Punarnavarishta ½ oz. with an equal quantity of water taken after principal meals brings about clear urine, improves the blood and is highly effective in kidney disorders. The Liquid Extract of Punarnava given to patients suffering from swelling of the kidney, known as Nephritis, has been found very useful. It allays fever also.

Another remedy is Punarnavadiquath. 1-2 tolas are boiled with two glasses of water, reduced to quarter glass and divided into two doses. One such dose morning and evening brings about clear urine. Removes the toxins circulating in blood and purifies the blood. It is also useful to patients suffering from renal calculi.

Punarnvadi Mandur is another popular remedy. 2-4 rattis of it morning and evening, with arogyavardhini, removes constipation, reduces swelling, is useful in ascites and allays anaemia.

The name “Punarnava” (“Puna” means “again”, ‘Nava” means “new”) is itself indicative of its marvelous efficacy as a Rasayana. Rejuvenator. In cases of swelling, whether it be general or local. Punarnava has its own unique place in treatment, and extensive research carried out on this valuable drug may yield quite surprising results to the benefit of suffering humanity.

Shankha Pushpi - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Shankha Pushpi is a well known herb used especially for increasing energy. It is a boon to mental workers like professors, students, solicitors, lawyers and educationists. The plant and its fresh juice are used for medicinal purposes.

It is an appetizer, digestive, carminative and nerve tonic. It is astringent and bitter.

According to ayurvedic theory, It increases the power of mental faculties and it is called a “pittashama”. It improves the voice and is useful in cases of fits and epilepsy.

Those who complain of poor memory can take it to advantage.

It has been used in medicine since Vedic times and its pre-Vedic use dates back to 1000 B.C. from pre-Vedic times it has been considered useful for the purpose of conception, and Dimak and Khorey have acknowledged it as a laxative, rejuvenator, vitaliser and nerve tonic.

Students nowadays are in search of a brain tonic. It can be said very safely that the parts of the tree, known as ‘Panchanga’ (root, stem, leaves, flower), powdered together and taken in a dose of 3 to 6 grams morning and evening with sugar and milk improves the memory.

It induces sound sleep and removes constipation, fatigue, weakness, gas in stomach, dyspepsia etc.

There are various remedies descried in ayurveda which contain shankha Pushpi Ghrita.

Given in doses of ¼ to ½ tola, morning and evening, it proves beneficial in the case of undernourished children who are not gaining weight and whose growth is retarded, be it physical or mental.

Extract of Gulancha, root of apamarga. Vayavidanga, Shankhapushpi, Kustha, Vacha, Shatavari and Chebulic Myrobalan – all these powdered together and taken in doses of 3 grams, morning and evening, proves efficacious in cases of loss of memory, even in advanced stages.

Today when there is such a lot of complaint about loss of memory, fatigue, mental exhaustion stress and strain, this innocent ayurvedic herbal remedy can be prescribed without any hesitation. Fresh juice of this plant, along with honey, is given in many types of insanity.

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